Industry Insights

Welcome to “Industry Insights,” the go-to resource for the latest trends, insights and news in PR within the tech B2B space.

We believe that staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the fast-paced world of tech PR, and we’re committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with you.

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Our articles cover a wide range of topics, from media relations and content marketing to crisis management and thought leadership. We explore the latest trends in technology and how they impact PR, as well as sharing best practices and case studies to help you improve your PR campaigns.

EC-PR Energetic Execution of PR

Industry Insights

Welcome to “Industry Insights,” the go-to resource for the latest trends, insights and news in PR within the tech B2B space.

We believe that staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the fast-paced world of tech PR, and we’re committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with you.

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Our articles cover a wide range of topics, from media relations and content marketing to crisis management and thought leadership. We explore the latest trends in technology and how they impact PR, as well as sharing best practices and case studies to help you improve your PR campaigns.

7 Ways PR differs from advertising

7 Ways PR differs from advertising

The key difference between PR and advertising is that advertising space is paid for while editorial space is not – the impact on how and why you use one over the other is rooted in this fundamental difference. There are 7 principle ways that public relations is...