What B2B Public Relations can do for you and your company
Public Relations (PR) is a key component of the full marketing mix, and as part of your overall communications strategy, it’s instrumental in driving brand awareness, recognition, and consideration – ultimately guiding more leads and conversions, whilst contributing to the overall growth of your business.
This article will help you to understand how PR can benefit your company and why you should pay for expert PR advice.
See the quick-look business case for B2B Public Relations infographic here
How does PR benefit your company?
PR builds a compelling relationship between your brand and your target audience before your audience even enters the buying cycle. This relationship is developed over time, built on trust, and delivered through endorsement from independent, authoritative, sector experts.
PR is the proactive management of everything you say and everything you do, in order to positively impact the way you’re perceived by your target audience. This ‘Third party, high value coverage’ provides awareness, recognition, and accolades in those media channels which you don’t own. These third-party endorsements are from highly respected and influential sources and provide credibility and authority for your brand.
Media endorsement in b2b is the equivalent of celebrity endorsement in b2c
Filling your sales funnel
As a marketeer, it’s your job to attract and nurture potential customers, meaning you need to generate brand awareness amongst your target audience, and nurture them until they are ready to consider purchasing your goods and services. The key principles of any good PR strategy are to make you visible, valued and understood; delivered as part of a comprehensive communication strategy to drive consistency and impact. The outcome of that activity should provide you with a densely populated top of funnel. This is how PR benefits your business and increases the impact of your marketing.
A brand with authority and influence
An effective PR programme should be designed to ensure that you are regularly interviewed by respected editors, achieving recognition in influential third-party media, and being invited to contribute insight to authoritative industry reports. By becoming an integral and respected part of the fabric of your industry, you influence the shape and direction of discussions, while acquiring authority and influence – which will ultimately attract better-quality prospects into your funnel. This structure, discipline and proactivity is what you pay for when you outsource your PR to experts.
A visible and dynamic force in your industry
Being visible means you are findable and accessible, and that you have a high media profile in the right industry titles, so that your target audience is exposed to you, whether that’s actively or passively. High visibility means regular and diverse formats, i.e. a given story or opinion is ‘sweated’ so that every ounce of potential opportunity is squeezed from it. ‘Sweating’ your stories means that once it’s appeared in the press, it can then be re-formatted and presented in multiple forms and pushed out through paid and owned channels – ensuring your asset has been fully optimised. The impact of this is that you command a greater and more influential share of voice – pushing your competitors into the shadows.
Articulating a clear competitive advantage
Being valued means putting your customer at the heart of everything you say and do, in order to engage with them in a way that is both relevant and persuasive. It’s not possible to be valued if you’re irrelevant to a person’s wants or needs. To engage and achieve desirability, you need to develop a compelling messaging strategy as part of your communication plan and weave that into everything you create. If you approach your PR in this way, you will have a golden thread of narrative that ensures you are both clearly differentiated from, and superior to, any of your competitors claims.
Many clients operate in unique and complex markets, especially industries such as engineering, science, and technology. The PR expertise required in these industries is in translating their complex solutions and achievements into interesting and engaging articles and news, so that their target audiences can understand your proposition, align with your brand and applaud your achievements.
Engineers, scientists, and technologists deliver our quality of life, keep us safe and will one day save the world – there is a real pleasure in translating their achievements to ensure they are fully understood.
At EC-PR we are passionate about B2B communication. We believe your work is amazing and we want to help you tell the world how extraordinary it is. Get in touch.
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Download our essential guide: Your 8-step Communication Strategy
READ this Tech PR case study: How 2i found its voice – 18 Benefits from a communication strategy
watch our video: “how to identify your target audience”
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