Liz Churchman

Head of the PR delivery machine at EC-PR, Liz has been delivering B2B PR communication strategy since 2003. Her first career in telecoms giant BT gave Liz exceptional customer service skills and an appreciation of the importance of brand reputation. These have served her well since she traversed intothe world of tech PR in the early noughties. Liz delivers client projects to target and with clockwork efficiency, deploying her Scottish charm with nuclear impact. Liz’s tenacious approach to tech challenges, ensures she can position her clients as industry leaders and commentators on hot topics.
A PR freelancer’s experience of working with EC-PR

A PR freelancer’s experience of working with EC-PR

Gina Hollands has worked in the PR industry for 20 years. In December 2022, she left a senior position in a PR agency to go freelance. EC-PR was one of her first clients. Here she shares what it was like to join the EC-PR team as a PR freelancer.What was your...

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