What are the costs of Tech PR … versus not doing it?

by | Jun 3, 2024 | B2B PR Blog, Communication Strategy, Our PR approach

And why Tech PR with a communication strategy will keep costs down

In this article we’ll look at the four main costs to consider before choosing to embark in tech PR activity. Secondly, we’ll weigh these up against the costs of not doing tech PR for a growing technology business. Lastly, we hope to alert you to the risks of undertaking a tech PR campaign without proper strategic planning.

The decision to engage in or forego tech PR is not just about budgets – it’s about future-proofing your brand in the fast-paced world of technology marketing.

The tangible costs of engaging in Tech PR

Investing in tech PR means allocating budgets towards crafting a narrative that resonates with your target audience, creating content that engages and inspires, and ensuring your brand stays relevant in the media. This involves:

  • Hiring a competent PR agency or team: This is a primary expense, but consider it as investing in expertise that can magnify your reach and impact. For prices you’ll want to read our key article: How much does PR cost?
  • Managing the stakeholders: Internal expectation management can take time to keep SMART objectives front of mind. Your PR partner will also need to be managed so that they get access to the right information in good time to deliver desired outcomes
  • Developing and distributing content: Whether it’s press releases, thought leadership articles, or social media content, each piece represents a cost in terms of time and resources.
  • Monitoring and measuring impact: Tools and services to track the effectiveness of your PR efforts are crucial and come with their own set of costs.

For tech brands, PR costs are justified by the clarity of approach, the partnership, and the proactive engagement that a seasoned PR team offers, ensuring that every dollar spent helps meet the company’s growth targets while bolstering its reputation as a visionary leader.

Before we look at prices, let’s also consider…

The costs of NOT doing Tech PR

Choosing to bypass tech PR might seem like a cost-saving move, but the implications can be far more costly:

  • Lost market share: In a sector where innovation leads, staying out of the conversation can make your brand seem irrelevant, allowing competitors to capture attention and market share.
  • Missed opportunities: Every article, interview, or mention in the media is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and innovations. Without PR, these opportunities can pass you by.
  • Weakening brand reputation: In the tech industry, visibility is often equated with credibility. Without a consistent presence, stakeholders might question your market position and stability.
  • Brand awareness and preference slide into obscurity. Your sales teams will find opening up opportunities more difficult and building relationships more challenging without the benefit of a strong, respected brand

Marketing leaders understand that they need to keep their company in the limelight to secure future growth. The uncertainty of not engaging in tech PR could lead to their company being overshadowed by competitors, which is a significant risk to take.

But there’s something subtler to consider before engaging in tech PR activity, which is knowing that your investment will only be fruitful in the long run if it is underpinned by a solid communication strategy.

The cost of doing Tech PR without a communication strategy

Engaging in public relations without a coherent communication strategy is akin to setting sail without a map. It can lead to inefficient use of resources, missed opportunities, and mixed messages that could dilute your brand’s impact in the marketplace. For CMOs, who thrive on clarity and efficiency, the lack of a strategic framework in PR activities is a significant liability.

Financial and strategic implications

1 Increased financial waste: PR efforts can become scattered without a strategy, leading to spending on initiatives that do not align with business goals or effectively reach the intended audience. This misalignment results in higher costs for lower returns, which CMOs, with a keen eye on ROI, would find untenable.

2 Diluted brand message: PR content can become generic without a clear value proposition and messaging tailored for different stages of the buying cycle. This fails to engage the target audience effectively and can weaken the brand’s position in the market as a leader and innovator.

3 Missed target audience: A communication strategy includes developing an ideal customer profile and understanding the psychographics of your audience. Lacking this, PR efforts may not reach or resonate with the intended demographic, leading to low engagement and poor conversion rates.

Inconsistent messaging across channels: Each stage of the buying cycle – from awareness to decision—requires different messaging to move potential customers along the path to purchase. Without a structured communication strategy, messages can be inconsistent across channels, confusing potential customers and causing friction in their journey.

The strategic imperative

The cost of conducting PR without a solid communication strategy ultimately comes down to inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and potential damage to the brand and its leaders. Investing the time and resources upfront to develop a comprehensive communication strategy – including a strong value proposition, detailed customer profiles, and specific messaging for each buying stage -can dramatically increase the efficacy and ROI of PR efforts.

For tech companies in competitive markets, this strategic approach is not just beneficial; it’s essential. It ensures that every PR effort is targeted, coherent, and directly contributing to the company’s long-term success, aligning perfectly with marketing leaders’ ambitions to influence and propel their companies forward.

Making the right choice

For leaders in the tech industry, investing in PR should be weighed against the potential cost of inaction. While the upfront costs of tech PR are quantifiable, the costs of not engaging in it – though more intangible – are often much higher in terms of lost potential and slower growth.

A strategic PR plan that aligns with broader business goals is essential for the marketer who values clarity, engagement, and proactivity. It’s not just about spending money; it’s about investing in your company’s future.

For tech companies aiming to lead and innovate, the message is clear: the cost of doing tech PR is an investment in your brand’s vitality and market position, while the cost of not doing it could be your brand’s visibility and relevance. Choose wisely.


Help to find your perfect PR partner

Once you’ve allocated your budget and start to hunt for your perfect PR partner, you’ll find this guide incredibly useful: Selector: 13 Questions You Need to Ask Your PR Agency, Before signing a PR agency.

We would also recommend our RFP checklist, available as part of the Selector guide, or as a standalone download, so you can easily compare the responses of your shortlisted agencies.

Selector Lucky 13 - The Questions You Need to Ask Your PR Agency
Selector Lucky 13 - The Questions You Need to Ask Your PR Agency

Questions to Ask a PR Agency

Download our SELECTOR Guide, comprising a lucky 13 questions to ask a PR Agency in your selection process.


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