Home · Case Study · SocuraStand-out Cybersecurity Stories Socura is a London-based firm which works to make the digital world a safer place. Socura’s Threat Detection and Response managed service (often referred to as MDR) helps organisations detect any advancing...
Services articles
The pitfalls of applying PR best practice to AR
Analyst Relations (AR) has matured as a discipline over the past 10 –15 years, with most companies either employing a dedicated AR resource, or outsourcing parts of their AR programme to external parties on a strategic and/or tactical level. However, PR best practices...
How Are Analyst Relations Different To Public Relations?
We briefly touched on the difference between analyst relations and public relations in a previous post but will now examine the differences a little more closely. Our previous article concluded that there are lots of differences between AR and PR. You may be wondering...
Top 5 tips on conducting an analyst perception audit
The word ‘audit’ may sound slightly intimidating if you’re working in finance but in the case of an analyst audit, it simply indicates an in-depth piece of research into industry analysts’ perceptions of your brand and your industry. There are several important...
Why Analyst Summits will remain important post-Covid
I may not be the only one who finds myself occasionally reminiscing about the pre-Covid era of travelling and attending industry events. It was in late spring of 2017 when I organised the first ZTEsoft (re-branded to Whale Cloud) Industry Analyst Summit in Nice. The...
How Can PR Help Reputation Management?
Before the advent of the internet, reputation management was strictly a PR disciple. PR professionals would carefully manage the public perception of a business, running campaigns to educate, inform or persuade using press briefings and media releases. Now, the world...
XTM International Case Study
Home · Case Study · XTM International Making SaaS Marketing Marvellous XTM International is a company which operates in the SAAS technology sector. Established in 2002, XTM International is a founder-led, multinational business that delivers high-quality,...
BMT Highly Autonomous Warship Technologies – PR Campaign launch at DSEI
Home · Case Study · BMT GroupDistinction in Defence BMT is a maritime-orientated high-end design house and technical consulting firm driven by a passion for solving complex, real-world problems. Their ‘Highly Autonomous Warship Technologies’ (HAWT) offers a vision for...
How Can PR Support My SEO?
SEO and PR are important functions for businesses, and both fall under the broad umbrella of marketing. For some, that may be where the association ends but for businesses looking for maximum success when it comes to reaching audiences and boosting their reputation,...
5 tips for a successful analyst briefing
During conversations with clients or prospects about an analyst relations programme and specialist skills related to an analyst relations practice, we often hear questions along the lines of, “But an analyst briefing, surely that’s like hosting a press interview?” Not...
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