Opinion articles

How being a parent can improve your PR skill set

How being a parent can improve your PR skill set

I just googled ‘which career fits best with being a parent?’ and lo and behold, working in PR is right up there! Flexible working and creating your own schedule are possible in many PR roles. However, I have discovered that the desired skill set PR agencies look for...

What to do with difficult PR clients

What to do with difficult PR clients

Client relationships, like any type of business or personal relationships, require nurturing, regular communication, time and effort. Every relationship will have the occasional bump in the road, but most issues can be ironed out with a phone call or a friendly...

What’s Changed In Tech PR Over The Last 12 Months?

What’s Changed In Tech PR Over The Last 12 Months?

As a tech PR agency, we have a vested interest in keeping up to date with what is happening in the tech industry. The last 12 months haven’t been an exception, but it has certainly been a bumper year for the industry with tech stories frequently featured in national...

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