Seawork is on the horizon, just three weeks away, so you need to be crafting your engagement strategy i.e. How are you going to make the most of every opportunity at the show? As we mentioned in our last blog, the main reason for exhibiting is to make business...
B2B PR Blog articles
Make the most our of your B2B PR activity.
Our ec-pr blog holds a wide variety of articles covering Communication, writing Press Releases and Editorial, preparing and making the most of Trade Events and Networking, and much, much more.
Do tell us if you’d like to have our insight on a particular subject, and don’t forget that you can pick up our free guides about event publicity or becoming an Influencer here. Please contact us if you’d like to talk about adding ec-pr to your Marketing team.
B2B PR – Be Social With 5 Key Ingredients at #Infosec17
In 2 weeks’ time, the floor at Infosecurity 2017 is going to be buzzing with people. The question to ask now is: can I be doing anything now to prepare/plan my social media communication? The simple answer is yes of course. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram...
B2B PR – Five ways to make Seawork visitors feel welcome
With just 4 weeks to Seawork never forget the reason why you are attending Seawork. You are exhibiting to make business contacts, create connections, develop relationships, pursue opportunities and, occasionally, to close sales. Whatever the stage your association...
Three ways to grab media attention at Infosecurity Europe 2017
The clock is ticking and there's less than 3 weeks to go until Infosecurity Europe 2017. So, you should be well on your way to developing your big news story for the show. Once you’ve got your story, it’s vital that you follow a few golden rules to give your...
B2B PR – Four steps to effective media engagement
With 5 weeks to go, Seawork will no doubt bring about lots of exciting business and media opportunities. Picture the scene – your stand is a hive of activity and next thing you know, a journalist has caught you off guard and starts enquiring about your company’s...
B2B PR – SEO for absolute beginners – the first FIVE steps
This week I was asked to look at SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and find out what we needed to do to begin to get our new website recognised and ranked in search engines. This is important because as a new business we have no visibility which makes it hard for...
B2B PR – Three essentials to make a news splash at Seawork
The clock is ticking with only 6 weeks to go until Seawork. So, for those of you who read last week’s blog, you should be well on your way to developing your big news story for the show. Once you’ve got your story, it’s vital that you follow a few golden rules to give...
B2B PR – What to do seven weeks before Seawork 2016
Identify your news stories It’s seven weeks until Seawork 2016, so now is the time to start thinking about your big story for the show. Capturing those ‘news’ gems and knowing what journalists want doesn’t have to be a headache with the following handy tips - this is...
B2B PR – Five things you should know about adding video to your website
My task this week was sourcing and adding video to our website, as well as reporting back on this b2b PR blog what I learnt in the process. So here’s my quick guide to help you on your way to finding, choosing and uploading great video to communicate your message....
B2B PR – Top tips to get Seawork International to work for you
It’s only 8 weeks until Seawork International, the ‘go to’ event for the commercial marine and workboat market. So, if your organisation is exhibiting, now is the time to work out how you are going to make a splash in the press. Seawork benefits from a number of...
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