Everything you need to know for successful B2B PR campaign planningDiscover how to create a B2B campaign plan which successfully delivers your communication strategy. We guide you through: tailoring creative messaging to each stage of the customer journey, selecting...
pr tactics articles
Creative tactics that replace the press release
Why the need for new tactics? Is the press release dead? The changing face of the media, with less staffing journalists on publications, more writers and bloggers to reach out and connect with, the impact of AI and the proliferation of low quality content being...
What is strategic PR and how is it different from tactical PR?
Our Client Service Director, Liz Churchman and Amir Bazrafshan of the the B2B Brand and Demand podcast, discuss strategic PR: how it differs from tactical PR and how, when planned and implemented properly, it can be used to build B2B brand awareness, engage the right...
Four steps to successful integrated PR (& Marketing) for 2022
What is integrated PR and why has it matured now? Integrated PR is PR you wrap around your marketing activities to create impact and effect. It is a multi-channel approach that broadens your reach and makes your budget work harder by delivering your comms through the...
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