How to increase engagement on your company LinkedIn page

by | Sep 12, 2024 | B2B PR Blog, Content Creation, LinkedIn

Top strategies to boost LinkedIn engagement for your company

Increase engagement on your company LinkedIn page with these powerful strategies for building your company’s credibility on LinkedIn.

  1. Demonstrate industry participation and company achievements
  2. Employee advocacy is a simple yet powerful way to expand your reach
  3. Share thought leadership insights from your team’s experts
  4. Stay active with regular updates and be responsive for engaging conversations
  5. Use interactive content that adds fun, personality and interest.

Finally, our case study demonstrates how a targeted LinkedIn approach can drive substantial growth in impressions, engagement, and followers.

For corporate leaders, LinkedIn is an indispensable tool for enhancing company credibility and increasing engagement with key stakeholders. There is a real opportunity for leaders to promote their companies, engage effectively with audiences, and drive broader business objectives, but how do you go about enhancing corporate reputation and engagement through LinkedIn?

Engaging a specialist like EC-PR can remove a lot of the pressure when it comes to crafting content that elevates your position within your industry and enhances how your organisation is perceived.

However, there are building blocks that are crucial when using LinkedIn to increase engagement with your audience, capture the attention of the industry and form lasting professional relationships. Starting with these foundations will set you in good stead.

Showcase company achievements and industry participation

In order to build business’ credibility, leaders should consciously post about their company’s achievements, industry awards and other milestones on LinkedIn. This celebrates company successes and enhances both the company’s credibility and its attractiveness to potential clients and partners.
Sharing content related to industry events, webinars, and other participatory activities demonstrates the company’s active role in the industry landscape, enhancing its stature and relevance.

2 Promote employee advocacy

The next building block is to encourage employees to engage with, and share, company content on LinkedIn. Statistics show that employees make up 30% of their company’s engagement on LinkedIn. Not only does employee engagement extend the potential reach, it also helps build authenticity. Employee posts can help humanise the brand and showcase the company’s culture and values, making it more relatable and appealing to external audiences.

Improving employee advocacy is one of the easiest ways to increase engagement with minimal effort. As employees are often the first to see posts, they have 14 times more chances to share a post from their work organisations.

3Establish thought leadership content

In addition to posting company news and milestones, it’s important to publish content that resonates more widely with the industry. Regularly publishing articles and insights can establish the company and your team as thought leaders. It gives you an opportunity to demonstrate the team’s knowledge and capabilities.
This strategy attracts attention from peers, potential clients, and industry influencers, further enhancing the company’s reputation and competitive positioning.

Utilise engagement strategies to maximise impact

Sporadically broadcasting content in a one-way direction will not achieve the objective of building engagement. Keeping the company’s LinkedIn page active with regular updates and responsive communications demonstrates that the company is proactive, dynamic, and engaged with its audience.
Interactive content that requests audience input or opinion coupled with regular updates and highlighting industry participation are key strategies for maintaining high engagement levels on LinkedIn.

Utilise interactive content

As mentioned above as an engagement strategy; polls, questions, and open discussions increase engagement and provide valuable insights into the audience’s preferences and concerns.
This interactive approach fosters a dynamic two-way communication channel between the company and its stakeholders. It can also bring an industry or community together with unified opinions or, it could spark debate on alternative views. Hosting your page as a place that fosters that level of communication and discussion elevates your corporate reputation.

Boosting corporate reputation and engagement on LinkedIn: A case study

Ambitious businesses with a growth mindset know the importance of leveraging LinkedIn to enhance corporate reputation and engagement. We recently deployed our executive profiling service, Catalyst, to elevate the personal brand of a Senior Sales Director.

The results were remarkable:

  • Meeting requests: In just 28 days, three prospects reached out for meetings.
  • Impression growth: A staggering increase of 1,698,400% in reach, jumping from 1 to 16,895 impressions.
  • Engagement surge: A 31,600% rise in Likes, Comments, and Shares, growing from 0 to 317 interactions.
  • Follower increase: A targeted strategy led to a 16,700% increase in followers, adding 168 new followers.

This case study exemplifies how a strategic approach to LinkedIn can significantly enhance visibility and engagement, driving growth and positioning your executives as industry thought leaders.

Leveraging LinkedIn for lasting success

LinkedIn offers powerful tools for leaders looking to enhance their company’s credibility and engagement and provides a great opportunity for organisations to build their prowess amongst their peers and prospects. By strategically leveraging LinkedIn’s feature-rich platform, leaders can amplify their company’s visibility and appeal, leading to tangible business benefits. Over time, leaders should continuously adapt their LinkedIn strategies to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring their company remains a prominent and respected player in the digital space.

If you are thinking about using LinkedIn to boost engagement and strengthen your industry presence, and you want specialist support or guidance, contact EC-PR. We have extensive experience of successfully building and managing personal branding strategies for the c-suite, delivering on corporate objectives in an authentic way through meaningful and engaging content.

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