Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless is a pioneer in mmWave wireless gigabit communications.

The company is committed to delivering cutting-edge technological advances, to deliver gigabit speed, secure private networks to meet the global connectivity needs of today and the future.

Blu Wireless

Blu Wireless Case Study

EC-PR Quote marksMark Barrett, Blu Wireless“At the beginning of our partnership with EC-PR a few years back we named our list of ideal target publications—those we felt were slightly out of our reach but would really make an impact on our public profile in our target markets. In 2023, we achieved our ideal coverage”

Mark Barrett

Chief Commerical Officer, Blu Wireless

Dangers and Desires

In 2022, EC-PR delivered a successful campaign for Blu Wireless in the defence sector. A year later, the company sought to build on this success and further strengthen its thought leadership programme and visibility in the defence sector. It was looking to increase its share of voice in US and UK publications. Finally, it was looking to secure coverage in the most influential defence publications globally, such as Janes – which the client described as ‘ideal coverage’.


EC-PR approached the campaign from a thought leadership perspective, creating a bespoke bank of strategically aligned ideas called the Brilliant Ideas Bank (BIB). The BIB offered unique media angles supported by evidence such as use cases and stats. The thought leadership programme was supplemented by the Catalyst executive profiling programme for key executives to extend the reach and amplify their voice on LinkedIn.

All ideas from the BIB were successfully placed in target media publications as article placements. EC-PR worked closely with Blu Wireless executives and subject matter experts to develop insightful long-form articles published as editorial content.

Campaign delivery

  • Brilliant ideas bank
  •  Content creation
  •   Securing media coverage
  •   Event Publicity


The second cornerstone of the campaign was a comprehensive publicity support around DSEI. DSEI is one of the largest defence trade shows globally that took place in September 2023 in London. Blu Wireless launched its flagship defence product at the event. A mix of pre-event ‘desk drops’ for journalists, blogs, social media content, media relations, combined with presence at the show resulted in strong press coverage of the product launch as well as interviews with key new press contacts.

The 12-month campaign generated a total audience of 79 million (based on stats generated by Coverage Book), with an average Domain Authority of press coverage reaching a high figure of 53.

35 pieces of high-quality coverage (predominantly thought leadership articles) included coverage in global tier 1 publications, such as Janes, Shephard, Armada International and, helping cement Blu Wireless’ thought leadership in the defence sector.

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These handpicked case studies related to work EC-PR has undertaken within the Tech and Defence sectors.

We’ve also chosen case studies that showcase a range of successful projects, involving event publicity, content creation and thought leadership or personal branding.

Seequent Elevates Brand Awareness

Seequent Elevates Brand Awareness

Seequent elevates brand awareness

Headquartered in New Zealand with global reach, Seequent is the specialist subsurface software company within Bentley Systems.

Seequent builds world-leading subsurface software, helping create a better understanding of the earth to ensure a better world for all. Seequent’s integrated earth modelling, geo-data management, and team collaboration software enables customers to see a more complete picture of the underground: with more understanding comes better decisions – for people and the planet.


A focused thought leadership campaign

EC-PR Quote marksPieter Neethling, Seequent“EC-PR has helped us build awareness through quality thought leadership coverage in global trade publications. Our brand credibility was further strengthened through an industry round table event attended by a high-profile panel of industry experts and influencers,”

Pieter Neethling, Segment Director – Mining Operations, Seequent.

Dangers and desires

In 2021, EC-PR delivered a successful campaign for Seequent in the industrial minerals sub-sector. A year later, the company sought to broaden its awareness and expand its thought leadership programme and visibility to the entire mining sector. It was looking to increase its share of voice in global publications and position itself alongside mining associations and industry bodies. In addition, it was looking to build credibility and be known as the industry leader across the whole lifecycle of mining operations – from discovery to restoration.

The successful 2021 industrial minerals campaign convinced Seequent that EC-PR would be the right communications partner to deliver the new mining campaign.


EC-PR approached the campaign strategically, by first conducting robust communication strategy work. Particular focus was devoted to the strategy validation phase, where Seequent’s customer base was audited to establish if the communication strategy (personas, proposition, key messages) resonated with the customer base. Customer validation ensured the strategy aligned with customer perceptions, aspirations and ambitions.

A Brilliant Ideas Bank was developed, containing a wealth of thought-provoking and engaging themes to be pitched to the media. All ideas from the Brilliant Ideas Bank were successfully placed in target media publications as article placements. EC-PR worked closely with Seequent executives and subject matter experts to develop insightful long-form articles published as editorial content.

Campaign delivery

  •   Brilliant ideas bank
  •   Securing media stories
  •  Round Table Event
  •   Message Waterfall



The second cornerstone of the campaign was an exclusive online thought leadership round table. Seequent brought together a stellar panel of thought leaders, such as Marcelo Godoy, Chief Technology Officer at AngloGold Ashanti, and Matt Blattman, Director Technical Services at Hecla Mining. The event was moderated by influencer and podcast host Emily King, also the Founder of Prospector Portal.

The round table discussion was distilled into several pieces of content, including an insights paper. Very simply, a message waterfall was created which means the round table was made available across multiple media types and presented in various formats such as the insights paper, a LinkedIn Live event/webinar, blogs and social posts.

The mining campaign was put in front of a total audience of 1.38 million (based on stats generated by Coverage Book), with an average Domain Authority of press coverage reaching a high figure of 54.

The nature of the delivery of the campaign (online round table and message waterfall) has also given Seequent ample slice-and-dice options further down the line to extend the campaign’s longevity and nurture thought leadership and brand awareness.

TOUCHSTONE B2B PR - The Essential Guide to Stellar Analyst Relations

How to become an industry thought leader

Thought leadership can transform your brand, position you and your business as leaders in your industry and open doors to new opportunities. Find out how to get started with our practical guide.

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Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

XTM International

Making SaaS Marketing Marvellous


Net Zero Heroes


Building a Bolder Brand

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy

The net zero heroes

The net zero heroes

The Net Zero Heroes

Believing passionately about the world’s transition to net zero, ITPEnergised is a team of technical consultants who work with their clients to deliver renewables asset management services and expert advice on all environmental matters.

Through guiding their clients on issues relating to energy, environmental impact and engineering, they facilitate the transition to net zero. The company has unparalleled experience and provides consulting services to over 2500 small to large scale projects across 150 countries.


Thought Leadership Case Study

EC-PR Quote marksRuth Fain, ITPE“EC-PR never fails to deliver. Their approach to thought leadership, both in terms of crystallising our initial ideas and then drafting good quality content, is second to none. Given how time-poor our subject matter experts are when it comes to PR, it was a breath of fresh air to have the EC-PR team support us and deliver some great coverage in our target media. We’re looking forward to our next campaign to continue improving our share of voice on key net zero and ESG issues.”

Ruth Fain, Associate Director, ITPEnergised

Dangers and Desires

Previous to the thought leadership work, we had partnered with ITPEnergised in helping them to define a communication strategy. The team there are marketing-savvy and understand that brand-building work doesn’t stop once the strategy is in place — in fact, that’s only the beginning.

The next leg of the journey

ITPEnergised knew that to increase awareness amongst their target audiences and, in turn, fill their sales funnel, they needed to embark on an earned media campaign.

Drawing on the key messages established in the communication strategy, this campaign would take the form of a thought leadership programme. The challenge was that ITPEnergised’s subject matter experts were time poor, and existing relationships with trade media were very limited and needed to be nurtured.

To the rescue

With a 100% performance guarantee of securing thought leadership coverage and over two decades of experience in working with its target trade media, ITPEnergised turned once again to EC-PR.


Our task was to secure and generate thought leadership content attributed to ITPEnergised’s experts, while keeping the onus off them in terms of demands on their time.

The approach we took to achieve this involved EC-PR shouldering as much of the responsibility as possible, while only requesting the client’s time when it was absolutely necessary, such as at the points of information-gathering and final approval.

Campaign delivery

  •   Brilliant ideas bank
  •   Securing media stories
  •   Interviewing subject experts
  •   Authoring content

Brilliant ideas bank

Our approach was to facilitate the creation of a Brilliant Ideas Bank in collaboration with ITPEnergised’s subject matter experts. The Brilliant Ideas Bank is a repository of seed ideas designed to capture the media’s interest. Critically, the topics strategically aligned with the communication strategy, showcasing ITPEnergised’s level of expertise on net zero and addressing the key pain points their target audience faced.

Securing media stories

Once these ideas were compiled and agreed, we began the roll-out of the earned media campaign programme. This saw us pitching articles to target journalists and liaising with them to ensure their specifications were met.

Interviewing subject experts

We arranged interviews with the subject matter experts at times convenient to them. The interviews were pre-arranged with top-line questions submitted in advance to give the interviewees maximum time to prepare, while minimising the impact the campaign would have on their day-to-day role.

For optimal time efficiency, interviews were recorded, allowing us to refer back to them when writing up the articles.

Authoring content

Our team of accomplished technical writers saved the client time and hassle by authoring the content on their behalf, and subject to their approval. The process of generating the articles was therefore streamlined and made simple, keeping the time required from the subject experts to a minimum and allowing them to focus on their main jobs.


100% of the thought leadership article ideas we pitched resulted in secured coverage.

As a result, ITPEnergised’s thought leadership coverage on net zero appeared in top-tier and highly targeted media including:

Client praise

ITPEnergised were highly complimentary about our work, commenting specifically on how easy it was to deal with us and how reassured they were that we could deliver such a high quality of service and level of coverage, without relying heavily on their people’s time.

Our strategy paved the way for ITPEnergised to increase its share of voice, which it achieved during the execution stage of the campaign, when the company’s experts started to become recognised as highly respected thought leaders in their field.

ITPEnergised is now preparing for a follow-up wave of activity, designed to further cement their position as experts in their industry.

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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

Shaping Share of Voice

BMT Group

Distinction in Defence

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy


Igniting Interest in Insurtech Startup

Building a bolder brand

Building a bolder brand

Building A Bolder Brand

2i is an Edinburgh-based consultancy offering assurance and testing services to large organisations who are undergoing complex digital transformations.

Their client portfolio includes impressive names such as Aberdeen Standard, Virgin Money and the Scottish Government..


2i Case Study
Communication Strategy

EC-PR Quote marksDave Kelly 2i Testing“You have offered us enormous value in getting us to this stage. When I think back to the lack of focus and structure that our message had originally to where we are today, for both our clients and our staff, it’s been a game changer for us and massive thanks to you for that.

“The delivery model, AssureRMF, has undoubtedly been the pivotal development. If you had told me at the start of this journey that a business like ours, operating in our space, could have a USP, I would never have believed you. I would not have thought it was possible. But we do, and we have, we stand out for all the right reasons. That’s remarkable.”

Dave Kelly, CEO, 2i

Dangers and Desires

CEO of 2i, Dave Kelly was fully confident in the exceptional levels of service his company offered. The issue was that they weren’t well known enough among their target audience. Nor was there any obvious way that the business differentiated itself from competitors.

2i lacked a clear USP (unique selling point), which meant that neither staff nor potential customers could simply answer the question of why they should use 2i over an alternative provider.

Dave correctly identified that 2i needed to address this lack of identity if the company was to achieve its internal and external goals. He knew the best way to rectify the issue was to develop a communication strategy. This would ensure that 2i was no longer in danger of becoming the industry’s best-kept secret. That’s where EC-PR came in.


For customers and prospects to understand what 2i’s differentiator was, we had to start at the beginning and look at where the company was, and wanted to be, positioned in the market.

Once we’d answered those questions, and crystallised the desired messaging, we were able to move to the next step — getting that message out to our intended audience.

Campaign delivery

  • Messaging Lab workshops
  • Communication Strategy
  • Customer research
  • Brand assets

Communication strategy

Through a series of Messaging Lab workshops and by working closely with 2i’s senior leadership team, we developed a communication strategy comprising six areas:

  1. Industry priorities
  2. Value proposition
  3. Target customer personas
  4. Positioning statement
  5. Key messaging
  6. Bespoke delivery model

The result was the creation of a comprehensive communication strategy. This strategy became the foundation of all marketing and communications going forward and gave 2i much-needed focus and direction.

Customer research

Our approach didn’t stop there, however. We also needed to ensure that the newly defined strategy formed the customer’s perception of the 2i brand. We conducted research among 2i’s customers to determine which communications materials they needed to give them a good understanding of the buying cycle.

Brand assets

In addition, we supported 2i in their search for a branding agency, that would help the company translate their messaging creatively and professionally. After we’d appointed the branding agency, we worked closely with them to create a new website and new brand assets.


Dave described the impact of EC-PR’s work as ‘game-changing’ and confirmed it had brought massive value to the business in terms of giving the branding and communications the structure and direction it was lacking.

Within just three months of launching the new communication strategy, 2i was already benefiting in at least 18 different ways. These benefits included the winning of new business, which had been the key driver of the campaign from the beginning.

Additional benefits included the ability to create more persuasive tenders, increased confidence that they were showing the world the best version of themselves, the use of joined-up language across all communication channels, and a set of future-proof assets.

Dave admits that at the beginning of the process, he didn’t know how a company operating in 2i’s space could differentiate itself. Once the differentiation became clear, 2i found its voice, which now rings out loud and proud in the marketplace. What’s more — people are listening.

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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

Shaping Share of Voice

BMT Group

Distinction in Defence

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy


Igniting Interest in Insurtech Startup

BCB Group conquers the analyst community

BCB Group conquers the analyst community

BCB Group Conquers the Analyst Community

BCB Group is a leading crypto-dedicated payment services provider, serving many of the industry’s largest clients including Bitstamp,, Gemini, Huobi and Kraken.

BCB Group provides payment services in over 30 currencies, FX, cryptocurrency liquidity, digital asset custody and BLINC, which is BCB’s free, instant settlements network for the BCB client ecosystem.

AzteQ CUBe

BCB Group Case Study

“EC-PR has introduced BCB Group to one of the most highly influential groups of people in the market – the industry analysts. The analysts now approach us when writing relevant content and reports, and have a good understanding of our unique proposition.”


Sam Shrager

Executive Director, Marketing & Communications, BCB Group

Dangers and Desires

BCB Group was looking to raise its profile among industry analysts to strengthen its reputation in the market as the go-to crypto payment company for anyone from both the crypto and the traditional banking industry. It was also looking to leverage analyst relationships to gather feedback and insights from some of the sharpest brains in the industry to inform its strategic planning, product development and messaging.

BCB Group selected EC-PR due to its track record of working with some of the largest and most influential analyst firms as well as its robust approach to analyst relations (AR), including analyst training and measurement.


Due to BCB Group being entirely new to analyst relations, EC-PR proposed a two-phased approach, starting with a comprehensive Foundations piece. The Analyst Foundations spanned an Analyst Training for BCB Group’s executives, an Analyst Audit and a tiered Analyst List. The Analyst Audit was an in-depth survey of BCB Group’s key target analysts on what they think about the organisation, its products, market performance, competitive advantage and the industry at large. Such insights proved to be a valuable piece of market insight for BCB Group.

Following the Foundations stage, EC-PR organised a broad introductory round of analyst briefings where BCB Group was introduced to the analyst community for the first time. The introductory briefings sparked several follow-up in-depth conversations centred around the analysts’ research agendas or specific questions that analysts had about the company. The subsequent briefings helped deepen the relationships with some of the tier 1 analysts from major firms, including Gartner, Forrester and CB Insights.

EC-PR also developed, designed and distributed BCB Group’s quarterly analyst newsletter, specially curated for the analyst community which also helped drive awareness and recognition of BCB Group amongst target analysts.


BCB Group spoke to 29 analysts from 8 analyst firms in the first 12 months of the campaign, including firms as reputable as Gartner, Forrester, Aite-Novarica, CB Insights, Everest Group, and smaller firms who are very influential in the crypto space, such as Futurum and Opimas.

The newsletter garnered a fantastic average open rate of 28%, helping get BCB Group’s message out to the wider analyst community.

BCB Group was featured in Aite-Novarica’s Commercial Banking Fintech Spotlight where it was praised for ensuring ‘robust compliance and anti-money laundering procedures that clients can benefit from to have certainty of payments coupled with the assurance that they are processed in a regulatory and compliant manner’.

Perhaps most importantly, throughout the 12-month campaign BCB Group was privy to feedback, insights and thought-provoking questions from some of the brightest minds in the industry.

“EC-PR’s programme of analyst relations has provided us with a platform for engagements that have transformed the way we think about ourselves as a company and the way we talk about our proposition. Analyst insights have proved to be an invaluable source of intelligence and expertise,” added Sam Shrager.

TOUCHSTONE B2B PR - The Essential Guide to Stellar Analyst Relations

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TOUCHSTONE B2B PR - The Essential Guide to Stellar Analyst Relations

The Essential Guide to Stellar Analyst Relations


Our guide to analyst relations helps you create mutually beneficial relationships with key industry influencers to help your firm grow.


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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

Shaping Share of Voice

BMT Group

Distinction in Defence

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy


Igniting Interest in Insurtech Startup