How EC-PR helped a leading UK tech brand find their USP, and make their voice be heard in a crowded market.

by | Sep 23, 2023 | B2B PR Blog, Brand Awareness, Communication Strategy

If there’s one thing everyone absolutely loves, it’s the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your labour and here at EC-PR we’re no different. Now, we don’t usually write a blog about our successes, as the norm is to turn them into case studies, but we felt the communication strategy we implemented for 2i deserved a little bit more of a ‘shout-out’! We’re super proud of what we achieved with them and, more importantly, it’s made such a positive difference to their planning, marketing, PR, communications and, ultimately, their bottom line, that we wanted to share it.

About 2i –a ‘complex’ tech brand

With three different offices around the UK, 2i is a very successful software testing consultancy who employ over 120 staff. They provide a variety of software testing services to some very large, very blue-chip, clients; such as Virgin Money, the Scottish Government and Aberdeen Standard to name a few.

A technical, risk-based proposition

Their proposition is deemed as quite complex yet crucial;  in that their services help to minimise the risks involved when large corporations are introducing new software or making software changes and rolling them out – company, or client-wide.  These large-scale transitions can be fraught with issues, bugs, risks and challenges. All of which can have a hugely negative impact on their business and reputation, if not carefully managed and quality assured, from the very earliest opportunity.

2i’s role is to ensure that all the software & technology works EXACTLY as it should, and the end user experience is as per the defined spec.

The PR challenge

The challenge was 2-fold. 2i know that they deliver an exceptionally high-quality service to their clients, but they struggled to articulate how they differentiated themselves within the busy tech landscape, in other words, they had no USP!

Secondly, not enough people knew about their great service because they had very low brand awareness within the marketplace.

The PR solution

A robust and engaging communication strategy was required to help 2i achieve their marketing goals of identifying their USP, differentiating themselves and increasing their brand awareness. We needed to help 2i have a louder, more authoritative voice in the market and stop them from being a ‘well-kept secret’.

Stakeholder workshops

We worked very closely with Dave Kelly and his leadership team, to deliver a number of workshops, focusing on the six key component parts of a communication strategy;  their value proposition; a bespoke delivery model, industry prioritisation; target personas; positioning statements and the messaging.

Our workshops enabled the key stakeholders to align on important factors, to ensure consistency and clarity across the business, minimised ambiguity and helped present the very best version of themselves as a business.

Review of brand assets and materials

And we didn’t stop there!  We undertook research to ensure the plan was aligned with their customers’ perceptions, we reviewed their brand assets and identified gaps where further materials were required (which we wrote for them) and we helped find and appoint a creative branding agency.  Phew! It was hard work, but the results made it all worth it…

a USP is central to planning, marketing, communications and sales

The (phenomenal) results!

The strategy we developed with them now forms the backbone of all 2i’s comms – informing and guiding their business development and marketing communications.

We asked Dave Kelly, their MD what impact the communications strategy has had on their business, and he gave us not one, not two, but eighteen (yes eighteen!)  different benefits they’ve experienced, in only 3 months!  You can see the full 18 in all their glory, in our infographic below.   If you want to hear more about how we worked with Dave at 2i and how we could do the same for you, then get in touch.

18 Benefits of a Communication Strategy

Three months after assurance and testing business 2i formally launched its communication strategy, we asked Managing Director, Dave Kelly, what impact it’s had on business.

  1. We have won new business
  2. Our tenders are more persuasive
  3. Prospects are more interested in what we have to say
  4. Starting conversations is easier and we get to the issue quicker
  5. We are clearly differentiated from our competitors
  6. Our Leadership is more clearly aligned
  7. Our people are more engaged with the business and understand where they fit
  8. We are more consistent in the way we all talk about 2i
  9. We know exactly who we should be targeting saving time and resources
  10. We know what we should be saying to secure interest
  1. We feel we are now presenting the best version of 2i to the wider world
  2. There is less ambiguity in our communication internally and externally
  3. It has made recruiting quality people less challenging
  4. Our external communications are better aligned
  5. Our LinkedIn activity is more focused
  6. We are more visible, valued & understood in our marketplace
  7. Our engagement with clients to give them the focus they deserve has been accelerated
  8. The assets we are building are future-proofed

Dave Kelly

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