Shaping share of voice

Shaping share of voice

Shaping Share of Voice

Blu Wireless is leading a new era of high-speed connectivity, disrupting the market with its ultra-fast and seamless 5G mmWave solutions.

Specifically engineered for the world’s emerging connectivity needs, Blu Wireless’ solutions are resilient and cost-effective.

The company is currently going through an exciting time of partnering with the biggest global names in telecoms and technology, resulting in their products coming to the fore across industries such as high-speed transport, defence and smart cities.

Blu Wireless

Blu Wireless Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“EC-PR has become our strategic communications partner that delivers not just robust advice but also challenges us as a business. Their ability to create outstanding thought leadership is complemented with a highly professional, tenacious and transparent approach to campaign delivery.”

Ciara Barron

Head of Brand and Communications, Blu Wireless


EC-PR Quote marksMark Barrett, Blu Wireless“EC-PR’s in-depth understanding of the telecoms and transport industries has strengthened our thought leadership in these markets. What was particularly valuable to us was EC-PR’s strategic recommendation on how to build awareness in the defence sector where we have started to see some positive results.”

Mark Barrett

Chief Marketing Officer, Blu Wireless

Dangers and Desires

Blu Wireless’ issue was that awareness of their brand among their key audience varied. For instance, although they were relatively well-known in high-speed transport, in defence they had very little visibility.

Their requirements were two-fold: they wanted to build a stronger thought leadership profile in the areas they already had a presence. In the areas where they were less well-known, they wanted to gain recognition for their expertise.

Knowing that we are experts in the fields of profile raising, thought leadership and media liaison, Blu Wireless enlisted our help to tackle their issues and increase their recognition among target audiences.


Our response to the brief was to design a 12-month media campaign, which we entitled ‘Leading with Intent’. It aimed to make Blu Wireless visible, valued and understood among target customers within the core industries of interest.

The campaign was centred around a highly targeted media outreach programme. Content focused on case studies, partnerships, insight papers and media narratives which highlighted the disruptive effect of mmWave technology in relation to our target industries. Key to the communication was Blu Wireless’s pioneering expertise in its field.

The main objectives

  • Increase brand visibility through thought leadership
  • Achieve dominant share of voice on key messages

Campaign delivery

  •   Media outreach programme
  •   Case studies
  •  Insight papers
  •   Partnerships


Media outreach

Through our outreach work with third party media titles, we achieved tier 1 press coverage for Blu Wireless in key industry media, with an emphasis on transport and defence-focused publications.

Specific coverage examples included major publications, such as Global Railway Review and European Security & Defence. We also achieved coverage in key IT and telecoms publications, such as Computer Weekly, Government Computing, and UK 5G Innovation Briefing.

Insight paper

The insight paper we produced, ‘Public Safety Beyond COVID-19’ attracted contributions from five authors, notably from the University of Liverpool/Liverpool 5G Create Project Lead and the Connectivity Technologies Ecosystems Manager at Facebook.


We maximised the opportunity presented by Blu Wireless’ partnership with the Liverpool 5G Project. Using the project as a case study, we were able to open doors and start conversations with influential players in our target industries, including journalists and analysts.


Within a year of our campaign, Blu Wireless achieved the biggest share of voice in the UK compared to competitors. Their share was 61%, next to the second biggest — a main competitor, who managed 16% share of voice.

The campaign also attracted influential attention. The insight paper attracted an impressive array of authors who carried kudos and credibility, helping to reach an even wider audience. These associations helped cement Blu Wireless’ authority and visibility in the 5G space, exactly as intended.

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These handpicked case studies related to work EC-PR has undertaken within the Tech and Defence sectors.

We’ve also chosen case studies that showcase a range of successful projects, involving thought leadership, content creation and media relations.

Making SaaS marketing marvellous

Making SaaS marketing marvellous

Making SaaS Marketing Marvellous

XTM International is a company which operates in the SAAS technology sector.

Established in 2002, XTM International is a founder-led, multinational business that delivers high-quality, enterprise-class translation technologies to clients, helping them to keep up with the fast-evolving demands of globalisation.

XTM International logo

XTM International Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“It is like this; we knew we needed a car. We had some thoughts on colour, shape, and size and some ideas about where that car might take us, but that car had no engine. And, as everybody knows, a car with no engine can’t go anywhere. We saw EC-PR very much as the engine to help us get started and onto the right road toward our ultimate destination.”

Dave Ruane

Director of Marketing, XTM International

Dangers and Desires

As it approached its 20th year, XTM International identified that its marketing comms didn’t match its technological prowess. Brand perception wasn’t as high as it could be and content, although being generated in-house, lacked direction and was failing to engage.

To reach the dynamic growth it strived for, XTM International recognised they needed expert help from technology PR specialists. After some initial fact-finding conversations with CEO Bob Willans and Director of Marketing, Dave Ruane, we were appointed to be XTM International’s strategic PR consultants.


The client’s objective was to create an effective PR strategy and gain help implementing it.

Even though it’s the ideal time to do so, only 1 in 5 companies engage with a PR agency before creating their overall marketing strategy. In this respect, XTM International were already making sound decisions regarding their future PR and comms!

Brilliant Ideas Bank

Through researching the pertinent issues in XTM International’s industry and related media, we helped them embed our Brilliant Ideas Bank methodology into their core business operations. By prioritising the content which resonated most with their industry, they were able to make great strides forward in their communication efforts.

Honest advice

XTM International appreciated our trustworthiness and direct, open, and transparent approach. We pride ourselves on being pleasant to work with, but we’re never afraid to tell the truth and don’t sugar-coat advice if it’s what we think our clients need to hear.

XTM International’s team have benefitted from being able to reach out to us at any time for PR and comms advice. We’re always responsive, willing to help and known for our open and honest feedback.

Strategic guidance

By working with the senior leadership team and equipping them with the right tools and processes to deliver their business strategy, we were able to write the PR roadmap to set XTM International off on its comms upward trajectory. Essentially, we provided the sat nav to help the company reach its PR destination.

Consulting partners

Being consultative and strategic from the outset helped EC-PR to build confidence and trust – essential components required for a strong client-partner relationship. The team at XTM International also liked the feeling of not being pressured or “sold to.” This helped the relationship to develop organically.

From the very start, XTM International wanted to work with a PR agency in the tech space who would allow them to go at their own pace, even if that meant baby steps. This was a sensible approach, which allowed the company to apportion budget and resources accordingly and keep expectations to a manageable level. Now the PR strategy is being implemented, XTM International is confident that they can ramp up to the next level.


Two years on, and it’s clear our partnership with XTM International has been a resounding success. Having a PR partner to rely on, a map for guidance, and tools to work with mean the company can approach its PR and comms with focus and rigour.

We’re continuing to work with the team at XTM International to strengthen their presence, not just within the language technology space, but in the broader tech space too. Their team is focused on implementing the key learnings from the PR strategy workshops by embedding them into their operational tactics for 2023 and beyond.

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Igniting interest in insurtech startup

Igniting interest in insurtech startup

Igniting Interest in Insurtech Startup

Concirrus is a UK insurtech which offers digital solutions for speciality fields of insurance — namely, marine and automotive.

Their product, Quest, is made for the marine market and allows insurers to calculate risk more accurately through the use of large sets of historical data, machine learning and artificial intelligence..


Concirrus Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“Having EC-PR as our PR partner gives us a huge amount of confidence that our successes are being communicated and our industry voice is being heard over our competition.”

“We are now recognised as a market leader within the marine insurance market, and we have established a strong foothold in other sectors as a result. I am blown away by the response we received on the Blueprint – we never anticipated so much engagement from senior leaders and influencers who were keen to contribute their knowledge and insights.”

Andrew Yeoman

CEO, Concirrus

Dangers and Desires

With approximately 174 high-growth companies currently active in the UK, data suggests that insurtech is one of the fastest-growing startup sectors in the country.

Breaking ground in an industry that’s been around for centuries isn’t easy, but it’s what insurance fintech Concirrus had to do to achieve its ambitions of successfully launching a new insurtech platform into the marine insurance market.

Despite the threats posed, Concirrus were determined to release its new AI platform, Quest, and wanted to make sure the sector sat up and took notice.

It was time to bring in ec-pr.


For this campaign to be successful, it had to capture the attention, hearts and minds of c-suite level stakeholders in the established marine community. While the product was highly advantageous for users, the challenge was persuading an inherently change-averse industry that there are more efficient, and profitable, ways of doing business.

Campaign delivery

  • Communication strategy
  • Whitepaper
  • Social media assets
  • Thought leadership articles
  • Article placement

Communication strategy

As this was Concirrus’ first foray into PR, it was important that we began by building a clear communication strategy. The strategy addressed questions, such as: who are our target personas; what are our main messages; what does success look like; and what is the end goal?

Establishing target personas was key, as it allowed Concirrus to acknowledge the pain points, fears and desires of target customers, and address them in their communications.


Only once the strategy was finalised did we progress to the plan and execution. The vanguard for our approach was the creation and launch of a whitepaper. The paper delivered hard-hitting insights for the sector, propelling Concirrus into the position of a leader in the insurtech field and gaining credibility in a market where previously it had experienced limited traction.

The whitepaper tactic enabled Concirrus’ senior team to collaborate with key opinion formers and embark on a series of one-to-one media briefings, which further enhanced their profile within the industry.

The whitepaper was downloaded 200 times. Engagement came from senior-level players in the industry, including AEGIS London, IUMI, SMIT Salvage, Swiss Re, Whitespace, AIMU (American Institute of Marine Underwriters).

Social media assets

For Concirrus to maximise its exposure of the whitepaper, the power of social media was harnessed. A bank of assets was created, including social videos, images and infographics, allowing the company to exploit the reach of the platforms while remaining true to the brand.

Thought leadership articles

When it came to achieving media publicity, a bank of thought leadership ideas, closely aligned with the pain points and challenges of Concirrus’ target personas, was created. As PR experts, we ensured all these ideas were designed with the target trade media in mind.

We secured 168 pieces of coverage for Concirrus as part of our work, all in tier 1 target publications, which included the Daily Telegraph, Insurance Times, Insurance Post, Lloyd’s List and Tradewinds.

As well as pitched article ideas and bespoke editorials, we made monthly announcements on Concirrus’ behalf. These included new contracts, partnerships and funding, and all contributed to Concirrus’ enhanced reputation as a dynamic force within the industry.

A high-trust media focus

For senior influencers and decision-makers to trust Quest, we needed to secure positive external validation. This is why the campaign was designed to achieve only 10% owned media, in comparison to 90% earned media.

Over the course of the campaign, website traffic increased by 30%, illustrating the significant tangible results of this PR launch.


In independent research, 51% of respondents cited industry coverage as the top source of brand awareness. No wonder then that Concirrus successfully elevated its brand position as the go-to expert as a result of the campaign.

Andrew Yeoman, CEO of Concirrus, and his leadership team now enjoy monthly interviews with tier one media. The PR launch propelled them into the position of go-to experts, and their opinion on market issues is highly regarded, with many target journalists now pro-actively turning to them for comment.

The media roll-out, together with the whitepaper, built Concirrus’ credibility in a market where previously awareness of them had been limited. Coverage metrics showed that Concirrus owned the dominant share of voice against their top 2 competitors — Concirrus 50%; Competitor A 33%; Competitor B 16%.

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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

XTM International

Making SaaS Marketing Marvellous


Net Zero Heroes


Building a Bolder Brand

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy

Achieving clarity through strategy

Achieving clarity through strategy

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy

AzteQ is a small and dedicated team of IT professionals who put people first.

A technology service partner, they help clients optimise their technology investment, maximise adoption and improve productivity.

AzteQ CUBe

AzteQ Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“AzteQ has seen an incredible transformation, with return on our investment in EC-PR within months, particularly in building more depth of business with our current clients. From the messaging labs to the launch event, EC-PR has taken success way beyond what I thought possible.”

Pip Thomas

Customer Experience Director, AzteQ

Dangers and Desires

When we first joined forces with AzteQ, they’d recently merged their three separate technology businesses into one. They fervently believed that through unification, they had a powerful market model which brought enormous benefits to customers.

AzteQ were unsure who their target customer was and therefore felt compelled to chase all sales opportunities without knowing how to qualify them first. This was wasting time and resources and meant customers who were brought on board weren’t always the best fit for the brand.

Messaging was also poorly defined and inconsistent. None of this was helping AzteQ achieve its goals. It was clear that this lack of clarity needed correcting for the business to successfully drive business growth, and so they sought the help of EC-PR.


While AzteQ had visionary leadership, senior expertise and a firm commitment to doubling in size over two years, it lacked a clear and defined market offering. Our solution was to get to the root of the company’s values and outline a communication strategy to help form the narrative moving forward.

Campaign delivery

  • Messaging Lab workshops
  • Value proposition
  • Communication strategy
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Media Lens

Messaging Lab workshops

Creating a clear communication strategy was at the heart of our design. To do this, we facilitated two Messaging Lab workshops. The outcomes of the workshops allowed us to answer the following questions about AzteQ:

  1. What is your value proposition?
  2. Who are your target customers?
  3. What is your positioning statement?
  4. What are your key messages?
  5. Which industries do you prioritise?

Value proposition

AzteQ operates in a highly competitive space. It was clear to us from the beginning that a value proposition was needed to inform prospects why they should choose to work with AzteQ over a competitor.

Although AzteQ might not have immediately recognised it, they did have a unique approach. This was their people-first method which was a key differentiator in the industry. We helped the company to articulate this USP (unique selling point) through a method statement.

This collaboration between EC-PR and AzteQ resulted in a tangible outcome; AzteQ CUBe — the people-first framework for digital transformation.

Stakeholder engagement

Compiling a communication strategy cannot be an isolated exercise. Customers/stakeholders must be brought into the equation. That’s why we interviewed a cross section of AzteQ customers, asking them for their feedback. This feedback helped shape the company’s priorities and refine the communication strategy.

Communications in action

Once complete, the new communication strategy was used to brief the branding agency and the web designer. This ensured all marketing was cohesive and that messaging was consistent.

Media Lens

Now we had a comprehensive communication strategy in place, it was time to put it to best use, by using it to inform the next steps in the marketing programme — the PR. We carried out a Media Lens exercise which determined the topics AzteQ could talk about to gain most media attention.


AzteQ called the results of our work ‘transformational’ for their business, commenting that a return on investment was seen in a matter of months.

The company cited 14 discrete benefits they’d enjoyed since our work was completed. Among these were being more visible and highly valued in their marketplace; a renewed understanding of who their target customer was, which saved them time and resources; more interested prospects; an aligned leadership team; and more engaged employees.

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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

Shaping Share of Voice

BMT Group

Distinction in Defence

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy


Igniting Interest in Insurtech Startup

Igniting interest in insurtech startup

Informing influencers’ opinions

Informing Influencer’s Opinions

Concirrus is a UK insurtech which offers digital solutions for speciality fields of insurance — namely, marine and automotive.

Their product, Quest, is made for the marine market and allows insurers to calculate risk more accurately through the use of large sets of historical data, machine learning and artificial intelligence..


Concirrus Case Study – Analyst Relations

EC-PR Quote marks“EC-PR’S AR programme has helped us get in front of some of the most influential industry thinkers in insurtech and started to build their advocacy and buy into our vision.

“The greatest impact AR has had on our business is related to the quality of feedback and insights gathered during industry analyst briefings. These have been instrumental in shaping our new company messaging and proposition. Without AR, Concirrus would not have been able to put in place an ambitious quarterly analyst engagement programme that we’re looking to elevate further in 2022.”

Andrew Yeoman, CEO of Concirrus

Dangers and Desires

We were already partnering with Concirrus in a campaign to supercharge its brand awareness amid the launch of Quest. The campaign was proving very successful and generating a large amount of earned media coverage, accelerating Concirrus to the status of insurance market leader.

The company had ambitions to scale and expand into other speciality sectors outside of marine. To do this, it needed to boost awareness of its brand among influential people in the industry. Having already worked with us and seeing the results we could achieve, Concirrus chose us to help them in this new area too.


For Concirrus to increase its reach across industries and build its reputation, it needed to engage with industry analysts. Industry analysts are key individuals who are pivotal to a company’s success. Their opinions are well-documented and highly valued on a large scale.

Concirrus was relatively new to the market and, at the point of our engagement, was therefore largely unknown in the industry analyst community.

Campaign delivery

  • Analyst audit
  • Analyst relations training
  • Analyst briefings
  • Results monitoring

Analyst audit

To kick things off, we wanted to know the extent of the existing awareness, so we conducted an analyst audit. The results showed a very low awareness of Concirrus among industry analysts.

Those who had heard of Concirrus generally had only heard of the company in the context of marine, and no other insurance sectors.

We proposed a long-term programme designed to:

  1. Raise awareness of Concirrus in the analyst community
  2. Influence analysts’ perception of Concirrus and its portfolio.

Analyst relations training

Stage one of executing the programme involved us conducting analyst relations training with key members of the Concirrus team. We also created a tailored and tiered list of analysts we wanted to reach.

Stage two saw the implementation of a quarterly programme. This comprised regular analyst briefings with key analyst firms, and a quarterly analyst newsletter.

Our aims were:

  • To build close relationships with our top target analysts through regular contact
  • Raise awareness of the Concirrus brand among the wider analyst community through the newsletter.

Within the first year, we conducted 17 analyst briefings with 9 analyst firms and 14 analysts.

We also facilitated analyst pre-briefings ahead of a major acquisition announcement. And, for the purpose of specific analyst reports, we facilitated engagement with two additional analyst firms.

Results monitoring

The analyst audit was repeated a year after the first to measure what, if anything, had changed regarding awareness and perception. In just 12 months, Concirrus’ awareness among analysts increased on average from 1.9 to 3.6 (on a scale from 1 to 5).

Areas, where awareness was strongest, were Concirrus’ business strategy and value proposition, meaning that the brand wasn’t just better known — it was also better understood.

All analysts surveyed were either very likely (71%) or extremely likely (29%) to recommend Concirrus to their clients. This was in stark contrast to the results of the first audit, conducted before the analyst relations programme when the most common reply was ‘don’t know’.

Analysts also saw the Concirrus analyst relations programme in a very positive light, awarding it an average score of 4.25 out of 5. They gave the analyst briefings 4.6.


As a result of the analyst relations programme, Concirrus is now very much on the map and front of mind among influencers. Through being associated with key individuals who are shaping the thinking within the insurance community, Concirrus achieved increased respect and a much-improved profile.

Altogether, the analyst relations work propelled awareness of the company, which is now considered a forerunner in all its specialist sectors.

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Show your brand’s mettle and grow it into its memorable, gorgeous potential.

Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

XTM International

Making SaaS Marketing Marvellous


Net Zero Heroes


Building a Bolder Brand

AzteQ CUBe

Achieving Clarity Through Strategy