Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless is a pioneer in mmWave wireless gigabit communications.

The company is committed to delivering cutting-edge technological advances, to deliver gigabit speed, secure private networks to meet the global connectivity needs of today and the future.

Blu Wireless

Blu Wireless Case Study

EC-PR Quote marksMark Barrett, Blu Wireless“At the beginning of our partnership with EC-PR a few years back we named our list of ideal target publications—those we felt were slightly out of our reach but would really make an impact on our public profile in our target markets. In 2023, we achieved our ideal coverage”

Mark Barrett

Chief Commerical Officer, Blu Wireless

Dangers and Desires

In 2022, EC-PR delivered a successful campaign for Blu Wireless in the defence sector. A year later, the company sought to build on this success and further strengthen its thought leadership programme and visibility in the defence sector. It was looking to increase its share of voice in US and UK publications. Finally, it was looking to secure coverage in the most influential defence publications globally, such as Janes – which the client described as ‘ideal coverage’.


EC-PR approached the campaign from a thought leadership perspective, creating a bespoke bank of strategically aligned ideas called the Brilliant Ideas Bank (BIB). The BIB offered unique media angles supported by evidence such as use cases and stats. The thought leadership programme was supplemented by the Catalyst executive profiling programme for key executives to extend the reach and amplify their voice on LinkedIn.

All ideas from the BIB were successfully placed in target media publications as article placements. EC-PR worked closely with Blu Wireless executives and subject matter experts to develop insightful long-form articles published as editorial content.

Campaign delivery

  • Brilliant ideas bank
  •  Content creation
  •   Securing media coverage
  •   Event Publicity


The second cornerstone of the campaign was a comprehensive publicity support around DSEI. DSEI is one of the largest defence trade shows globally that took place in September 2023 in London. Blu Wireless launched its flagship defence product at the event. A mix of pre-event ‘desk drops’ for journalists, blogs, social media content, media relations, combined with presence at the show resulted in strong press coverage of the product launch as well as interviews with key new press contacts.

The 12-month campaign generated a total audience of 79 million (based on stats generated by Coverage Book), with an average Domain Authority of press coverage reaching a high figure of 53.

35 pieces of high-quality coverage (predominantly thought leadership articles) included coverage in global tier 1 publications, such as Janes, Shephard, Armada International and, helping cement Blu Wireless’ thought leadership in the defence sector.

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Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Shaping share of voice

Shaping Share of Voice

Blu Wireless is leading a new era of high-speed connectivity, disrupting the market with its ultra-fast and seamless 5G mmWave solutions.

Specifically engineered for the world’s emerging connectivity needs, Blu Wireless’ solutions are resilient and cost-effective.

The company is currently going through an exciting time of partnering with the biggest global names in telecoms and technology, resulting in their products coming to the fore across industries such as high-speed transport, defence and smart cities.

Blu Wireless

Blu Wireless Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“EC-PR has become our strategic communications partner that delivers not just robust advice but also challenges us as a business. Their ability to create outstanding thought leadership is complemented with a highly professional, tenacious and transparent approach to campaign delivery.”

Ciara Barron

Head of Brand and Communications, Blu Wireless


EC-PR Quote marksMark Barrett, Blu Wireless“EC-PR’s in-depth understanding of the telecoms and transport industries has strengthened our thought leadership in these markets. What was particularly valuable to us was EC-PR’s strategic recommendation on how to build awareness in the defence sector where we have started to see some positive results.”

Mark Barrett

Chief Marketing Officer, Blu Wireless

Dangers and Desires

Blu Wireless’ issue was that awareness of their brand among their key audience varied. For instance, although they were relatively well-known in high-speed transport, in defence they had very little visibility.

Their requirements were two-fold: they wanted to build a stronger thought leadership profile in the areas they already had a presence. In the areas where they were less well-known, they wanted to gain recognition for their expertise.

Knowing that we are experts in the fields of profile raising, thought leadership and media liaison, Blu Wireless enlisted our help to tackle their issues and increase their recognition among target audiences.


Our response to the brief was to design a 12-month media campaign, which we entitled ‘Leading with Intent’. It aimed to make Blu Wireless visible, valued and understood among target customers within the core industries of interest.

The campaign was centred around a highly targeted media outreach programme. Content focused on case studies, partnerships, insight papers and media narratives which highlighted the disruptive effect of mmWave technology in relation to our target industries. Key to the communication was Blu Wireless’s pioneering expertise in its field.

The main objectives

  • Increase brand visibility through thought leadership
  • Achieve dominant share of voice on key messages

Campaign delivery

  •   Media outreach programme
  •   Case studies
  •  Insight papers
  •   Partnerships


Media outreach

Through our outreach work with third party media titles, we achieved tier 1 press coverage for Blu Wireless in key industry media, with an emphasis on transport and defence-focused publications.

Specific coverage examples included major publications, such as Global Railway Review and European Security & Defence. We also achieved coverage in key IT and telecoms publications, such as Computer Weekly, Government Computing, and UK 5G Innovation Briefing.

Insight paper

The insight paper we produced, ‘Public Safety Beyond COVID-19’ attracted contributions from five authors, notably from the University of Liverpool/Liverpool 5G Create Project Lead and the Connectivity Technologies Ecosystems Manager at Facebook.


We maximised the opportunity presented by Blu Wireless’ partnership with the Liverpool 5G Project. Using the project as a case study, we were able to open doors and start conversations with influential players in our target industries, including journalists and analysts.


Within a year of our campaign, Blu Wireless achieved the biggest share of voice in the UK compared to competitors. Their share was 61%, next to the second biggest — a main competitor, who managed 16% share of voice.

The campaign also attracted influential attention. The insight paper attracted an impressive array of authors who carried kudos and credibility, helping to reach an even wider audience. These associations helped cement Blu Wireless’ authority and visibility in the 5G space, exactly as intended.

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These handpicked case studies related to work EC-PR has undertaken within the Tech and Defence sectors.

We’ve also chosen case studies that showcase a range of successful projects, involving thought leadership, content creation and media relations.

Distinction in defence

Distinction in defence

Distinction in Defence

BMT is a maritime-orientated high-end design house and technical consulting firm driven by a passion for solving complex, real-world problems.

Their ‘Highly Autonomous Warship Technologies’ (HAWT) offers a vision for the future of increasingly autonomous naval operations, underpinned by safe, secure and lean-crewed warships.

BMT Group

BMT Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“DSEI was a significant event for BMT in launching our highly autonomous warship concept, providing a key platform for us to lay out our vision into how the complexities of transitioning to naval autonomy could be navigated. We know we have the ability to offer insightful counsel to address this complex challenge, and we know this is grounded in our efforts to work with navies and industry to get under the skin of these challenges to help resolve them. Our challenge was in communicating this to the market, and the results we achieved and continue to enjoy as a result of outreach around DSEI have proven to be invaluable in raising BMT’s profile in this space.

“The results of this campaign allowed BMT to not only reach our target audiences at and around the show, it has turned a four-day event into an ongoing campaign of proactive media interest that continues to this day, delivering value that far surpasses the original objectives of the launch campaign.

“Thanks to the brilliant efforts of the EC-PR team, the paper has gone from strength to strength with over six magazine headlines and four front cover articles.”

Jake Rigby

Research & Development Lead, BMT

The company has conducted extensive research in collaboration with navies, government and defence technology institutions to develop and capture a deeper level of understanding of the roadmap for the integration of AI and automation in naval operations.

Dangers and Desires

To fully harness their work, BMT wanted to launch its new HAWT to the defence market, and saw DSEI — one of the most important events in the defence industry calendar — as the ideal opportunity to do it.

The challenge of achieving this aim was not to be underestimated. DSEI is a very well-attended event, showcasing over 1,000 defence and security suppliers from 58 different countries. On top of that, while BMT had a strong pedigree in naval ship design, awareness of the company’s offering in the defence market was inconsistent.

Our media connections and stakeholder engagement experience, coupled with our deep knowledge of the defence and technology sectors, meant we were ideally placed to take on the challenge of positioning BMT as experts in naval autonomy.


Our main objectives included releasing a new insight paper, and achieving media coverage in top-tier publications.

According to BMT’s brief, we centred our activity around the DSEI event. In targeting DSEI to launch the concept and insight paper, we faced a large, crowded, global event where the incumbent players largely dominate the news cycle.

 Campaign goals

  1. Increase BMT’s visibility within the defence sector
  2. Amplify their presence at DSEI
  3. Establish a dominant share of voice in the key areas of naval autonomy.

Our approach

  • Launch a media outreach programme to top-tier defence trade media outlets
  • Secure thought leadership articles
  • Exploit opportunities afforded by the release of the insight paper.


  • Press releases
  • Press interviews
  • Social media content
  • Journalist liaison


We engaged with journalists before, during and after DSEI to ensure BMT had a substantial share of voice in key media titles over a sustained period.

Article placements

100% of the articles placed were in tier-one target media. Coverage included four front cover articles.

Media coverage included:

We secured interviews for BMT with journalists before DSEI and at the event, achieving a strong and authoritative voice on naval autonomy even within a crowded news cycle.

Coverage from the launch of the insight paper was secured during the show and featured as one of Shephard Media’s top stories in its ‘show daily’ on the first day of the event.


Through ongoing engagement with the media after DSEI, we have successfully sustained the media’s interest in BMT and the company’s insights into naval operations. BMT is now considered a recognised authority on the subject and its share of voice on naval autonomy continues to grow.

What started out as a launch opportunity for BMT to highlight its understanding of naval requirements, turned into a springboard for continued PR growth, which went way beyond the original challenge.

BMT’s key differentiator is their research and critical insight. They always knew this. Thanks to our strategic media and thought leadership campaign, now their target industry knows it too.

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Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

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Distinction in defence

Actionable intelligence and insight

Actionable Intelligence and Insight

BMT is a maritime-orientated high-end design house and technical consulting firm driven by a passion for solving complex, real-world problems.

Established in 1985, they deliver design and engineering excellence to the energy, transport and defence sectors.

BMT Group

BMT Case Study

EC-PR Quote marks“The project was invaluable, both in terms of intelligence gathering and as a means to rapidly establishing relationships with the senior operators within the group.”

Jenni Williamson

Head of Marketing – Corporate Support, BMT Group

Dangers and Desires

BMT has over 1300 professionals, located across 27 offices in the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. Building strong relationships with its directors at sub level is key to delivering the high-quality and innovative solutions that BMT is renowned for. Although crucial to the firm’s success, engaging with BMT’s subsidiaries can be time-consuming and challenging.

As part of refining and improving its global PR strategy, BMT’s Group Marketing Team wanted to strengthen relationships with BMT’s subsidiary directors and improve communication channels.

Here’s how EC-PR engaged BMT’s key stakeholders and helped to build collaborative interactions across teams.


Identifying and understanding market nuances in each country presents many challenges for BMT’s Group Marketing Team and can make all the difference to the success or failure of a campaign.

The team wanted to create more collaborative connections with its subsidiaries that would successfully set and manage expectations while helping to build better interactions in future.

EC-PR’s proven success in developing multi-national global PR strategies meant we were well equipped to deliver BMT’s objectives. We proposed a solution that would engage BMT’s subsidiaries and help to refine marketing activity in each region, while maintaining global brand consistency.

Campaign delivery

  • Identified core objectives.
  • Developed a structured fact-finding programme.
  • Organised recorded interviews with key stakeholders.
  • Collated and reported key findings

Structured fact-finding

Working closely with BMT’s Group Marketing Team, we devised a series of questions for subsidiary representatives designed to extract relevant information, spark ideas and gather market insight that was previously unattainable or lacked substance.

Recorded interviews

Key to gathering the required data and intelligence was communicating effectively with subsidiaries.

Face-to-face communication has proven to be more effective when compared to written or audio-only conversations, allowing for nonverbal cues to be picked up and understood.

According to Forbes, face-to-face interactions are also 34 times more effective than alternative forms of communication, helping to reduce misunderstandings and create more collaborative conversations.

With these compelling reasons in mind, EC-PR recommended engaging with BMT’s 35 subsidiary MDs and Senior Group Executives, including Sector and Regional Directors, as well as BMT’s FD and Group Chairman through a series of face-to-face recorded interviews.

This enabled EC-PR to successfully gather the intelligence and information needed to hone BMT’s PR strategy at a global and regional level and identify key findings from each subsidiary quickly and with maximum engagement.

Collation of key findings

Following the completion of each interview, EC-PR collated all information in a format that clearly defined each subsidiary’s key requirements and highlighted critical factors affecting potential outcomes.


As a result of our work, BMT’s Group Marketing Team was quickly able to uncover invaluable information that has helped to improve the success of its PR campaigns globally and rapidly develop relationships with its key stakeholders across all 23 subsidiaries.

Interactions with subsidiary teams are now more frequent, allowing the Group Marketing Team to gather intelligence and be notified of country-specific developments without delay.

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Our Case Studies

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, and develop tailored strategies that deliver measurable results.

Our case studies showcase a range of successful projects, including increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and establishing thought leadership in their respective industries.

Our experienced PR professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise, which they bring to each project, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service. We use a data-driven approach to track and measure the success of each campaign, providing our clients with clear and transparent reporting.

Whether you are a start-up or an established business, our case studies demonstrate the value of effective PR and the impact it can have on your business.

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