With just 4 weeks to Seawork never forget the reason why you are attending Seawork. You are exhibiting to make business contacts, create connections, develop relationships, pursue opportunities and, occasionally, to close sales. Whatever the stage your association with a visitor is at, you should have a clear strategy which starts with being welcoming and engaging.

1. Be approachable – Talking amongst yourselves, sitting down or turning with your back to visitors will deter people from approaching you. If you’re not engaging with visitors, you’re not working.

2. Be engaging – Smile at everyone, look the person in the eye, focus on putting them at ease rather than dwelling on how awkward you feel. It’s not about YOU it’s about THEM!

3. Don’t sell, listen – Ask ‘what’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen at the show so far?’ Their answer will reveal a great deal about the prospect and how to deal with them.

4. Every contact is valuable – Whether you are using the opportunity to inspire a child or influence a minister, every contact is a useful opportunity to practice your skills.

5. 80/20 rule applies – Most people will walk on by, entertain yourselves with a score card to see who gets the most visitors to encourage competition amongst your stand team. Reward and applaud the person who has engaged the most people at the end of each day. If you let people know far enough ahead of the event (ie now!) they can be more proactive in inviting their connections and contacts to meet up at the show.

How you plan on communicating with your public is a critical part of event planning. If you do it well you increase the likelihood of a successful show.