Blu Wireless Achieves Press Coverage of Dreams

Blu Wireless is a pioneer in mmWave wireless gigabit communications.

The company is committed to delivering cutting-edge technological advances, to deliver gigabit speed, secure private networks to meet the global connectivity needs of today and the future.

Blu Wireless

Blu Wireless Case Study

EC-PR Quote marksMark Barrett, Blu Wireless“At the beginning of our partnership with EC-PR a few years back we named our list of ideal target publications—those we felt were slightly out of our reach but would really make an impact on our public profile in our target markets. In 2023, we achieved our ideal coverage”

Mark Barrett

Chief Commerical Officer, Blu Wireless

Dangers and Desires

In 2022, EC-PR delivered a successful campaign for Blu Wireless in the defence sector. A year later, the company sought to build on this success and further strengthen its thought leadership programme and visibility in the defence sector. It was looking to increase its share of voice in US and UK publications. Finally, it was looking to secure coverage in the most influential defence publications globally, such as Janes – which the client described as ‘ideal coverage’.


EC-PR approached the campaign from a thought leadership perspective, creating a bespoke bank of strategically aligned ideas called the Brilliant Ideas Bank (BIB). The BIB offered unique media angles supported by evidence such as use cases and stats. The thought leadership programme was supplemented by the Catalyst executive profiling programme for key executives to extend the reach and amplify their voice on LinkedIn.

All ideas from the BIB were successfully placed in target media publications as article placements. EC-PR worked closely with Blu Wireless executives and subject matter experts to develop insightful long-form articles published as editorial content.

Campaign delivery

  • Brilliant ideas bank
  •  Content creation
  •   Securing media coverage
  •   Event Publicity


The second cornerstone of the campaign was a comprehensive publicity support around DSEI. DSEI is one of the largest defence trade shows globally that took place in September 2023 in London. Blu Wireless launched its flagship defence product at the event. A mix of pre-event ‘desk drops’ for journalists, blogs, social media content, media relations, combined with presence at the show resulted in strong press coverage of the product launch as well as interviews with key new press contacts.

The 12-month campaign generated a total audience of 79 million (based on stats generated by Coverage Book), with an average Domain Authority of press coverage reaching a high figure of 53.

35 pieces of high-quality coverage (predominantly thought leadership articles) included coverage in global tier 1 publications, such as Janes, Shephard, Armada International and, helping cement Blu Wireless’ thought leadership in the defence sector.

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